Thursday, April 16, 2009

14 Years Continued...

Right now Angie and I are at the Airport awaiting our flight home after spending 4 days together for our 14th anniversary. We can't wait to see Jaiden and Mikayla!

So, here's some more things that we have committed ourselves to:

4.Communication - Do more listening than talking: look at your spouse and give your full attention, listen to the body language and voice tone.Find out what's being said beyond the words: restate what you understand is being said, ask clarifying questions. This takes time...not just during the commercials! Communication is NOT what is said, communication is coming to understanding.

5. Deal with Conflict Quickly - Ephesians 4:26-27 "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Every marriage has conflicts, and we can get angry with each other;but we must learn to handle this correctly. Don't go into a conflict trying to prove yourself right and the other wrong. Remember, we are to submit to each other, in this together, and need to communicate to get through these times of conflict. Ask for forgiveness, give it, make needed adjustments and move on. Don't give the devil a foothold!

Stay tuned to more! Growing Healthy Families with Christ; every heart, every person, every generation!

1 comment:

  1. I love what you are sharing with all of us. Communication is something I feel like I continue to learn about; in marriage especially, but also in all relationships. We can say one thing but our body language (and tone) can be saying something else.

    Your lives are an inspiration to all of us.
