Thursday, February 26, 2009

ONE of those DAYs

This past week I had a conversation with an incredible woman in our church who is 90 years old. She's been a part of our church as long as I've been there (13 yrs), and she was describing a procedure she has coming up to regulate her heart. Now... she is always got a smile on her face; ALWAYS! Full of life, upbeat, positive, and brightens up any room she enters. As we were talking, she said: "How did I get so old?" I laughed and replied: "One day at a time!"

It's amazing what can happen in your life when you line up a bunch of those days. Until one day something causes you to evaluate THIS day. This day isn't what you would have anticipated several or hundreds of days back: day after day, after day, after day... You wonder what has happened? How did I get here?

It's not like one single day got you to where you are at today... but a series of those one days did. The sad thing is you can't just erase all those days, BUT this day you can make some corrections to get you back on track. I feel like I have had ONE of those DAYs (a few days ago). A day that allowed me to rediscover something that I have misplaced... ME!
Jeremiah 1:5, 12 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born i set you apart: ...for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled."
This verse did it for me...I've been reminded of who I am, and that sense of destiny and passion that got lost in filling all those previous days trying to do things and be things that weren't me. Being more aware of what others would say or think of me. Trying to please others and make them like me by me not being me. Not compromising my values, doing bad things, or wrong things... but just not being me!
I want my days ahead to be lived once again with boldness, daring to dream, not afraid to fail, not being cautious and safe. I'm not talking about living selfishly... just letting me be me. Unhindered, unashamed, without feeling like I've gto to explain myself. Being who I am, the age I am, the way I am, true to myself, the way God made me to be!
I hope I keep having days like this...

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