Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today I have a something valuable and powerful... choices. The most powerful choice I have each day will need to be answered over and over again throughout my day. Not because it is never answered, but because it always requires an answer. That choice is my attitude.

Today my most difficult task was, and is, to monitor my attitude. Throughout the day, my attitude is challenged and put to the test. Sometimes I pass, and other times I fail.

I liken this to bull riding (not that I every have). I see the arena of the day that awaits me. I position myself in the gate: praying, thinking positive things, wanting the best, ready to ride the bull. My grip seems tight and secure. I nod my head to affirm that I am ready to swing this gate open and ride the full course of the day with victory in mind. The gate swings open the ride is underway!

Before I know it... the day jumps and shifts and throws me back and forth... I'M HANGING ON TIGHT!

Still more things unfold... the dirt gets in my eyes, my hat flies off and I begin to slip out of position... I'M OFF BALANCE.

I dig my spurs in and the bull response with more intensity, throwing me more violently than before... I CAN'T HOLD ON!

Before I know it I'm tossed to the ground thinking it's over, only to see this raging bull in the air with the horns come straight at me... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

The weight of the bull lands right in my gut, and the pain is overwhelming... I'M IN PAIN!

Although I'm off the bull, it still continues to kick and jump, looking for the clown as the next target.

The bull is gathered back behind the gate, and I go to my resting place to recover.

I reflect on the ride and think of all those things I could of, should of done, to stay on top of the bull.  I attempt to mend my body that has been beat up and still feels every injury that came from the ride... it's been a long day!

And as I go to sleep I say a prayer...
God, I fell off the bull today. My body aches and I'm not sure if I'm going to get over this one. I need your strength and healing tonight because tomorrow I want to ride that bull again. I don't know how long it's going to take before I break this bull... but I'M NOT GOING TO QUIT!  Amen...


  1. I have been struggling with my attitude and praying for guidance all week. Thank you for sharing your thoughts they touch my heart and give me strength to face tomorrow.

  2. You are not the only one out there on a bull, I am right with you.
    Hang on.
